Sunday, May 18, 2008

Texas A&M Bridal Shoot

I want to see how well the Blogger infrastructure converted my emails into posts, so I’m composing one now…hopefully it will work. Blogging is a new sport for me, but I think it’s one that will be good for me. It will force me to write on a regular basis, and I might even be able to develop my own voice as I go along.

It is also a great opportunity to give potential clients a chance to see another side of my personality that they would not get from my website (still to be completed) without having to actually meet me in person. It is also a great way to distract myselfrom some of the more drudgery-like tasks that I have to do from one day to the next.

The image above is one I had to dredge out of my partial archives (on my laptop’s hard drive), as I’m not currently connected to my full-scale backup/archive (on my docking station in my office). It is of a bride-to-be in College Station, TX, on the campus of Texas A&M University. She was a very cooperative subject and we had a really great time.
There are few experiences better than having the opportunity to photograph someone who is such fun to be around. It allows everyone to be themselves and almost always ensures really amazing photographs in the end. For this bride, I did a full location bridal shoot at the TAMU campus, including about 5 or 6 locations.

In this particular image, she was lit primarily by diffused sunlight/skylight coming from between the columns, with just a hint of TTL fill light coming from an SB-800 located just to the left of the camera. She and her mom loved this image so much that she ended up enlarging it and having it on display at the reception location on the day of the wedding (a very popular choice among my clients).

More to come later, but I thought I would at least try this out.

(Edit: Apparently, embedded photos in emails does not work...or I haven't figured it out. I'm guessing it's the latter. Had to go back and manually enter the image above.)

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